The Secret to a Happy Marriage 💕

Comparison of Chastity Devices 🔑

If you are an absolute beginner, my recommendation would be to try out a few cheap Made in China devices (they are sold everywhere: Amazon, eBay, DHgate, Aliexpress, Wish, Etsy, or even at your local sex shop). These usually cost around $20 and are of varying quality. Some are just knockoffs of the well-known brands, while some others seem to be original designs. You may need to buy a couple devices before you find one that is comfortable and fits well. If you are unsure where to start, buy an inexpensive cage with good reviews such as this one ↗.

Once you know what you type of device you want and what size you need, you may want to upgrade to one of the “professional” devices for the long-term, but this is not always needed. For your “forever” device you might consider a custom-sized device (for a perfect fit), preferably with a pier­cing for maximum security.
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General infor­mation Security
Device Picture Price (standard size) Custom sizes offered? Avai­lable locks Can he lock him­self with­out key? Avai­lable materi­als Open design (easy to keep clean) Special features Dis­courages mastur­bation Anti-pull­out secu­rity for un­pier­ced men Compa­tible with pier­cing for 100% secu­rity Prevents adul­tery
Ball-trap devices
Badassworkroom “BA-25” $300 Internal Steel or Titanium (+$) Offers neck­lace pen­dant with hid­den key
(optional glans ring or tether­spout)
Badassworkroom “BA-28” $300 Internal Steel or Titanium (+$) Offers neck­lace pen­dant with hid­den key
(optional glans ring or tether­spout)
Badassworkroom “Prevent Vibration Orgasm Solution” $700 Secu­rity Screw Titanium Has an inner and outer cage to prevent rea­ching or­gasms with a vibrator
(optional glans ring)
Birdlocked $139 Padlock Sili­cone
Blackout “Evo” $250 Internal Nylon Cage shape supposed­ly redu­ces erec­tion strength (for com­fort); custom­ized text can be printed on cage
Blackout “Sport” $145 Internal Nylon Cage is supposed­ly opti­mized for com­fort du­ring exer­cise
Bon4 $259 Padlock Steel Comes with multi­ple base rings in diffe­rent sizes
CB-6000 $154 Padlock Poly­carbo­nate Comes with multi­ple base rings in diffe­rent sizes; optio­nal remo­vable anti-erec­tion spikes
(optional pain­ful anti-pull­out inserts)
Chastitytech $99 Internal Resin Custom­ized text can be printed on cage
Chastize Me $81 Internal Nylon
Cherry Keeper $59 ✅ (+$) Internal Nylon
Custom Chastity “Ghost” $215-300 ✅ (+$) Padlock or Internal
(with pad­lock)
Comfyne “C1” $170 Internal Resin (cage) & Nylon (ring) “Horns” to pre­vent fore­skin pin­ching
Dickcage $149 Padlock Silicone
Evotion Wearables “Orion” from $359 ✅ (+$) Secu­rity Screw Nylon or Steel (from $1,200) Remova­ble tip (for tea­sing/ clea­ning); custom­ized text can be printed on cage
(front part of cage acts as a glans ring)
Fancy Steel “Iron Knob” from $244 Secu­rity Screw Steel Comes with multi­ple base rings in diffe­rent sizes
(glans ring)
FeiFei Cock Cage $31 Padlock Steel
Holy Trainer $165 Internal
(“Click & Lock”)
Resin Custom­ized text can be printed on cage
House of Denial “S99” $41 Internal Steel
Keuschwerk “Einzelhaft” $402 Padlock or Internal (+$)
(with pad­lock)
Titanium Offers neck­lace pen­dant with hid­den key; optio­nal glans ring to hold fore­skin back
Keuschwerk “Schutzhaft” $915 Internal Titanium Offers neck­lace pen­dant with hid­den key
Kink3D “Cobra” $175 Internal Nylon
LockdownCage $126 Internal Resin
Lock the Cock “Eyes on her Prize” $46 Padlock Steel
Lori’s “2A” $575 Secu­rity Screw Steel Offers neck­lace pen­dant with hid­den key
(optional glans ring)
Male Chastity Now “Contender” $325 Padlock or Secu­rity Screw (+$)
(with pad­lock)
(optional glans ring)
Mancage “Model01” $64 Padlock Poly­carbo­nate
Mature Metal “Jail Bird” $320 Padlock or Secu­rity Screw (+$)
(with pad­lock)
Steel Optio­nal remo­vable anti-erec­tion spikes
Max’s Lockables from $82 Internal &10060; Nylon Specifically made for uncircumcised men
Oxy-Shop “NC15” $59 Internal Steel Remova­ble tip (for tea­sing/ clea­ning)
Qiui “Cellmate” $169 Blue­tooth Poly­carbonate Good for long-dis­tance key­holding as it can be un­locked re­mote­ly
Red Chilli “London Tower” $335 Padlock or Secu­rity Screw (+$) or both
(with pad­lock)
Steel Offers neck­lace pen­dant with hid­den key; optio­nal remo­vable anti-erec­tion spikes
Rigid Chastity “Beast Muzzle” $298 Internal Steel
Sevanda “Ergo Cage” $133 Internal Resin Comes with multi­ple base rings in diffe­rent sizes
Soulock “Escape-Proof” $45 Internal Resin Claims to have an escape-proof design with glans ring and hinged glans cap
Steelwerks Extreme “The Classic” on request Security Screw Steel or Tita­nium (+$) Remova­ble tip (for tea­sing/ clea­ning)
(ure­thra plug)
Steelworxx “Looker 01” $418 Internal Steel or Titanium ($597) Offers neck­lace pen­dant with hid­den key; optio­nal remo­vable anti-erec­tion spikes
(optio­nal ure­thra plug)
StrictGate $159 Internal Sili­cone (tube) & Resin (ring) Optio­nal remo­vable anti-erec­tion spikes
The Vice $160 Padlock Poly­carbonate Comes with multi­ple base rings in diffe­rent sizes
(pain­ful anti-pull­out inserts)
Glans cap devices
Badassworkroom “BA-30”
from $220 Internal or Secu­rity Screw Steel or Titanium (+$) n/a
Evotion Wearables “Bijou”
from $329 Internal Nylon or Steel (from $950) Custom­ized text can be printed on cage n/a
HZD “The Grip” $159 Internal ABS (like nylon)
(glans ring)
Lori’s “1”
$600 Secu­rity Screw Steel Offers neck­lace pen­dant with hid­den key n/a
(version with pier­cing)
Lustlock “Penicap”
$105 Padlock Nylon Custom­ized text can be printed on cage n/a
Male Chastity Now “Glans Armor 2” $375 Secu­rity Screw Steel
(version with glans ring)

(version with pier­cing)
Steelworxx “Securo 2”
$320 Secu­rity Screw Steel Offers neck­lace pen­dant with hid­den key n/a
(version with pier­cing)
Steelwerks Extreme “Schand­maske”
on request Secu­rity Screw Titanium n/a
(version with pier­cing)
Full belts
Behind Barz “BBCB” $670 Secu­rity screw Steel
(full belt)
Carrara “2.0” from ~$790 Internal Steel
(full belt)
Fancy Steel “P1” from ~$1,136 Padlock Steel
(full belt)
Fetisch-Felix “Lovejail” $186 Padlock Polycarbonate
(full belt)
Latowski from ~$1,200 Padlock or Internal
(with pad­lock)
(full belt)
My-Steel “ERGOslim” from ~$980 Padlock Steel
(full belt)
Neosteel “Classic” from ~$1,120 Padlock Steel
(full belt)
Tollyboy “MB/100” $507 Secu­rity screw Steel
(full belt)
Yooka “2.0” ~$300 Padlock Nylon
(full belt)

artwork by MARE (

Continue reading: Chastity Accessories for extra fun 💝.